You’ve Got Mail: How You Can Sell Your Gold To A Refining Company

The mail is not a very exciting part of most Canadians’ lives. Every day, they will check their mail box or front door for any new deliveries. Sorting through the mail usually sounds like this: “Bill, bill, bill, flyer, flyer, advertisement, bill, coupon, scam, flyer…” Maybe a few times a year when its Christmas or our birthdays, we’ll receive some lovely letters or cards from relatives (and if we’re lucky, there will be cash or a cheque within the confines of that card!). However, by and large, mail is hum drum and not very exciting… or so we think. What if I told you that it was possible to sell gold through the mail? That probably caught your interest! You’re probably intrigued, but also a little concerned. Is it safe to sell your gold through the mail? Is this open to everyone, or just a select few Canadians? How do you find and work with a mail in gold buyer? Don’t worry: the answers to all of these questions are more simple than you think. As long as you’re selling your gold to a reputable refining company and taking the right steps, this transaction is risk free. Put the excitement back in your mail by considering selling gold through the mail. We’ll take you through the process and tell you what you need to know.

What Does a Typical Gold Transaction Look Like?

You’ve probably seen ads on the television or online for gold buying services that looked less than reputable. Perhaps you’re worried about buying and selling gold in general, let alone through the mail. You can rest assured knowing that the typical gold transaction is transparent, straightforward and fair. You simply bring in your gold items, and they are assessed with a quick test. This test reveals the value of the gold, and the experts will make an offer based off its value. This is a simple way of selling gold that is a win/win for both parties. The problem is when someone is unable to walk into a physical location in order to take advantage of this transaction. For example, EDI’s Head Office is in Orillia, Ontario. There are Authorized Buyer locations in Shelburne, Orangeville, Ottawa, Cornwall, Sherbrooke, Montreal, Georgetown, Stratford, and Sudbury. If you don’t live in one of those locations, you may feel as though you’re out of luck… unless you work with a mail-in gold buyer. By using mail to complete the transactions, you open many doors that would otherwise be closed.

What Should You Look For in a Mail-In Gold Buyer?

So you have your gold all gathered up, and you’re ready to start the process of selling it. Now you have to find a mail-in gold buyer that you can trust. Don’t just go with the first company you see – instead, do a little homework to make sure you’re making the right choice. Here are some signs that the buyer you’re dealing with is reputable and trustworthy:

Speed and Communication

They are prompt and quick. There’s nothing worse than sending off your valuable gold and not knowing whether its arrived or not. Choose a company that will call or email you shortly after receiving your gold.

Insurance Options & Variety

They offer a variety of insurance  packages that are easy to find and choose from. While the mail system is generally trustworthy, everyone makes mistakes, and in rare cases you should have a backup plan. The mail-in gold buyer should offer comprehensive insurance that works for you and your valuables. If they expect you to take care of it, or just send the package without a safety net, it’s time to reject their offer.

Honesty and Clarity

They never use shady tactics to pressure you into a sale; instead they’re very clear in your dealings. Sometimes a company will hide their prices, so you have to dig through page after page to find an accurate figure – if it has even been published at all. Other times, they’ll send you a cheque without quoting or discussing what they intend to pay. This leaves you with a limited window to negotiate or discuss with them, and many consumers will cash the cheque because they’re afraid of losing both their valuables and the pay out. Refuse to work with any mail in gold buyer that isn’t open, honest, and transparent about their methods and your potential payout.

Reputation and Word of Mouth

Still not 100% sure? Check sites like the Better Business Bureau, or forums where people discuss their experience in selling precious metals. Anyone with black marks on their record has likely pulled some underhanded tactics. On the other hand, if everyone gives glowing reviews about a specific refining company, you know you’re probably in the clear. If you’re on the fence, looking up customer feedback and industry reputation is a good way to make up your mind.

So now that you are familiar with the “101” of mail-in gold buying, you might be excited to give it a try yourself. EDI Refining’s mail in program is flexible, detailed, and accessible. We’d be happy to look over your precious metals and assess their worth. If you have more questions about our mail-in program or our refining process, then call us at 1 866 688 3353 and we’ll be happy to satisfy your curiosity.