Can a Little Gold Go A Long Way? A Look at Global Circulation

Finite resources are often a topic that show up in the news or in heavy discussions. People are interested in discussing how much we’ve used of our allotted supply of things before we run out. It’s often an important discussion to have. Sometimes it’s a light conversation, like “Is there any pizza left? Can I…

Get Your Shine On: 3 Tips for Maintaining Gold Jewelry

Remember the first time you put that gold ring on your finger, or the gold chain around your neck? When you looked in the mirror, it sparkled and so did your smile. As time went on, however, the shine may have faded, and you probably started wearing it less and less. Perhaps, you put it…

Want Cash for Gold? Watch Out For These 3 “Rookie Mistakes”

They say one of the best ways to learn is learning from your mistakes. That’s good advice, especially for young people growing up, but there’s some mistakes that you want to avoid. When selling gold, there’s the potential to make some choices that may cost you. Although it’s not the end of the world if…

Think Cash for Gold Stores are Scams? One Torontonian’s Experience

A stretch of inconspicuous stores line the sides of a street in a city neighbourhood. Apart from those living nearby, it’s safe to say that few people, if any, venture inside of these stores. If you live in one of Canada’s big cities (i.e. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver), does the scenery mentioned above remind you of…

Think Before You Sell: Why a “Trigger Happy” Approach to Selling Gold is a Bad Idea

Shoot first, ask later. It’s a mentality and style adopted not only by film and T.V. characters, but by your average Joe and Jane Doe who have ambitions or tasks to complete. That doesn’t mean they’re gun-toting war mongers (we would hope not!), but they have the propensity to do things without thinking about the…